Cancer affected my straight leg, actress Nadia Jameel


Cancer affected my straight leg, actress Nadia Jameel

Renowned actress Nadia Jameel says that the straight leg was affected by the chemo during the cancer treatment.

Famous actress Nadia Jameel, who defeated cancer, said in response to a critic on Twitter that cancer affected not only her but also her children, her mother and her married life.

Nadia Jameel

Nadia Jameel, who expresses her views on various topics regarding social issues, expressed her feelings about cancer through an emotional tweet.

Earlier, a Twitter user criticized Nadia Jameel and said that cancer affected your mental health badly, you need to improve your mental capacity.

Nadia Jameel Twitter

After the exchange of messages, a large number of Twitter users slammed the negative tweeter, saying that Nadia Jameel is a brave woman who bravely fought cancer.

Nadia Jameel Twitter

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